Brand : Detsan
10 lt
750 ml
4 lt

Detsan Lime and Rust Remover removes lime and yellow stains thanks to its superior formula. It is especially used in areas where water is hard (very calcareous) and to remove blackened organic dirt and rust stains that other cleaners cannot remove and to remove paint stains on the floor. It eliminates rust and lime stains that are difficult to remove without the need to scrape and effortlessly, with its extra powerful formula.


Usage areas :

Washbasin, Closet, Bathtub, Bath surfaces, Pool surfaces, Glass bottles and cups, Iron, Teapot and Steel or Teflon Cookware - Pan.


Instruction manual :

Steel, Aluminum, Teflon and teapot is placed on the top of the calcified area completely, wait until the dissolution is finished and rinsed with plenty of water.
Sinks, toilets and bathtubs 1/3 or 1/5 dilute with water, apply for 5-10 minutes, then rinse the surface with plenty of water.
Apply 1/20 dilution to wet bath and pool surfaces, rinse with plenty of water.


Ingredients :

Deionized Water

Nitric Acid

Eskisehir OSB Industrial District, 8.St. No: 21 Eskisehir City, TURKEY
Eskisehir OSB Industrial District, 8.St. No: 21 Eskisehir City, TURKEY
Asarcıklı St. No:50 26090 Eskisehir City/ TURKEY