The freshness and air of the clean house attracts everyone, but do we do everything right when cleaning the house? There are many details that need attention in cleaning the house, which is seen as simple. Here are the things to be considered while cleaning the house where a lot of time and effort is spent ...
1. Clean and maintain your vacuum cleaner
One of the most time consuming tasks in house cleaning is vacuuming the house. So, is your vacuum cleaner really efficient? In order for your vacuum cleaner to work more efficiently, clean its bag and filter, replace the vacuum part if necessary. Make sure to have a service maintenance once a year.
2. Extend the life of the sponge
One of the most germ-carrying items in the kitchen is sponges. We clean the cabinets, the oven, the counter, in short, everywhere you can think of, with these sponges. For this reason, it is necessary to clean the sponges frequently! You can also use the dishwasher for this. Your sponges will be clean when they come out of the machine. However, we recommend that you throw away the stained and broken sponges.
3.Don't use chemical products on electronic items
Do not use any chemical cleaners on or near electronic items. If you are going to clean your table, move your computer and speakers before you start spraying the cleaner anywhere. Cleaning products and chemicals can damage electronic items after a certain period of time. Always read the cleaning instructions for electronics, and if you are unsure, use only a dry, clean cloth or soft brush for electronics.